
Time to Clean Your Garage? Follow These Tips

Home Garage

The garage is one area of the home that is often overlooked. We tend to let it become extremely cluttered, which makes it difficult to find our belongings when we need them.

Thankfully while cleaning it may seem like a difficult task, it’s not impossible. You just need to know exactly where to begin.

If you’ve decided it’s time, then keep on reading. Below we are going to discuss some tips that you should follow!

Create a plan

Before you jump into your garage cleaning project, it’s important to take a moment to craft a plan. Sorting everything out can be overwhelming, so it’s best to outline what needs attention and start in small sections.

You also want to use this time to write down anything that needs to be fixed. From here you can book in with the right professionals, such as this Edmonton garage door repair team, so that everything is secure.

Get rid of clutter

Once you have a plan in place you can start to sort through all of your belongings. Create piles around the room of what you are going to keep, donate, or discard. While it can be hard to let go of some things, you shouldn’t hold onto it unless it serves a purpose.

A few questions you should ask yourself to speed up this process include:

– Is it an item that I use more than once a year?

– Is it an item that I can easily rent or borrow from someone else?

– Is it in working condition? Will I ever be able to fix it?

– Will I miss it if it’s gone?

You might also consider having a garage sale or selling things online. It’s a great way to clear up space and make some extra cash at the same time.

Dirty Home Garage

Group items together

While you’re organizing the items you want to keep, group similar things together so that you can easily access them later. For example, all of your holiday décor should be stored in boxes near each other.

You may also have a section that is specifically for gardening supplies or sports equipment. It might seem like a lot of work, but it really will make things easier to keep clean in the long run.

Invest in quality storage solutions

Another essential tip to follow is to invest in quality storage solutions. Things such as cabinets, shelves, hooks, and pegboards will allow you to maximize the vertical space in your garage.

Just make sure that you choose durable materials. These will be suitable for heavy items including tools and hardware and won’t require frequent replacement.

Look up

While you’re probably focusing on shelving, don’t forget to look up! If you have an empty roof, you should consider purchasing tracks that you can slide clear bins onto.

This saves you so much room and is perfect for seasonal items that you don’t need regularly. Of course, check that they are secure and installed correctly – the last thing you want is them falling down on someone. 

Get cleaning

While you are organizing your belongings, don’t forget to make cleaning a part of the process. It’s much less stressful and you’re able to take breaks as you finish each area.

Purchase some good supplies, wear the correct safety equipment, and tackle one task at a time. A few things to add to your list include:

– Sweep or use a leaf blower to remove debris.

– Dust shelves and cabinets.

– Remove cobwebs.

– Pressure wash tough stains.

If you notice signs of mold, dampness, or a musty smell, there might be a problem with your circulation. This should be addressed ASAP so that you don’t experience further damage later on.

Dispose of hazardous waste correctly

When throwing out materials such as paint, oil, corrosives, and pesticides be sure that you dispose of them responsibly. These are considered hazardous and special procedures must be followed so that nobody is injured or harmed.

Check with your local waste management department for more information. They may even know of upcoming recycling events so that you can throw away some of your larger items free of charge. 

Check for signs of pests

From mice and termites to ants and rats – pests can cause extreme harm to your home. The garage is one of their favorite entry points, so while you are cleaning, check for droppings, nests, and chewed cables.

While you can set a few traps yourself, it’s worth hiring a pest control expert. Alongside removing them, they can help you determine where they are entering your home and prevent reinfestations. 

Label everything

Finally, the last touch is to label all of your storage boxes. This way you’ll always be able to find what you need quickly and won’t have to sort through multiple boxes.

A label maker is one investment that is definitely worth it, but you can make your own with some paper as well. You can find other labelling options here.

Final Words

Cleaning up your garage can seem daunting, but there are ways to make things easier. By following the tips above and putting in some elbow grease, you will soon enjoy a clutter-free space.

Remember to set a maintenance schedule to follow regularly and avoid collecting clutter. This way you won’t have to tackle such a big task ever again!


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